We are making some technology changes behind the scenes

The Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau (HVCB) is updating the technology that sends you your newsletters and other digital information. Part of our upgrade includes changing our email send domain from HVCB.org to hvcbtravel.org.

In an effort to protect you, some internet service providers & spam blocking software will automatically block new domain addresses, even to products you’ve subscribed to.

To ensure your information & updates continue without interruption, please add this domain to your safe sender list:


If you’re receiving your email at a corporate domain, you may need to contact your mail server admin to whitelist this domain.

For more information, you can access our website at agents.gohawaii.com

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact agents.gohawaiisupport@ntmllc.com
© 2019 Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau
You are receiving this email because you requested information from the Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau. Click here if you wish to be excluded from future e-mailings or would like to update your email address.

HVCB understands current privacy issues and implements safeguards to protect your personal information. For more information, use this link to view HVCB's Privacy Policy.


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Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau - 2270 Kalakaua Avenue, 8th Floor, Honolulu, HI 96815