2019/2020 OFFICIAL
All you need to successfully sell
the Hawaiian Islands!
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of Hawaiian Island planners.
Become a Destination Specialist
to #LetHawaiiHappen for your clients

Uncover the secrets of Hawai‘i’s natural wonders. Explore more to understand its rooted traditions. Learn the flavors of the six unique Hawaiian Islands to create an incredible vacation for your clients – and watch your business grow.  Get certified through our expert-level Destination Specialist Program at your own pace, in your own time. Inspire your clients to explore more of Hawai‘i and they’ll keep coming back to you for more.

Once you complete Certifications 1 and 2, you’ll earn the title of Hawai‘i Destination Specialist, and also receive a valuable benefits package that includes:

Lucrative consumer referrals
Specialist-only webinars
Continuing education credits from The Travel Institute
One-year subscription to HAWAI‘I Magazine
Use of the Hawai‘i Destination Specialist logo
Priority invitations to Hawaiian Islands events
Opportunity to be considered for an in-destination Master Specialist Program
Access to Imi Loa (Self-Guided FAM Organizer) offering travel agent rates for accommodations, transportation and activities (upon completion of all 6 online certifications)
Get started at