This Month in Social Media
It's difficult to stay up to speed when the social media landscape is constantly shifting – we get it! That’s why each month you can count on us to share with you the biggest changes and headlines surrounding social media. Check out What’s New in Social Media: October 2020 Edition.
Facebook has Introduced Ad Limits per Page: Facebook has announced that beginning in February 2021 they will set a limit on ad volume with the hopes of helping advertisers reduce costs and improve ad performance. Four limit tiers will be introduced to encourage advertisers of different sizes to use an ad volume per page that optimizes their performance.
Facebook's Removing its Restrictions on Text Content in Facebook Ad Images: This is a significant update for Facebook Advertisers. According to reports, Facebook is removing its restrictions on ads which include more than 20% text in the main image.
Instagram Launches New Reels Updates, Including Longer Clips and Improved Trimming: It's only been out for a short while, but Instagram is already making tweaks to the design of its TikTok-cloning 'Reels' feature. Users can now create Reels of up to 30 seconds, an increase from the original 15 second limit. Instagram isn't yet giving Reels users the full one minute that TikTok currently offers, but the update is a step in that direction.
Instagram Adds Automatic Closed Captions for IGTV Videos: As part of a broader effort to improve its caption options, Instagram has now added automated closed captions for IGTV uploads.
Twitter Expands Access to Voice Tweets, Re-Affirms Plans for Auto-Captions of Voice Messages:Twitter has expanded the availability of audio tweets, while it continues to work on improving accessibility of the option.
Here's what else is trending:
Pinterest Adds New Ad Slots, More Insights for Marketers, Ahead of the Holiday Shopping Push: Pinterest is adding some new product discovery and showcase features ahead of the holiday shopping rush.