Financial Elements
A financial wellness program
Financial Elements is a financial wellness program that focuses on helping you understand your relationship with your money and how your decisions impact your life now and will in the future. Financial mentors answer questions and break down difficult financial concepts so you can feel better about your financial situation.

Why is it important to talk to a professional?
We all interact with money differently and view what is a good or bad financial decision through our own filter of how we see the world. Talking to someone can help you step outside emotional situations and better understand your opportunities, challenges and money personality.

What is your money personality?
  • Saver - It’s all about finding ways to save money and plan for the future.
  • Giver - You want to make sure others are taken care of before yourself.
  • Spender - You live in the moment. It’s all about life's experiences.
  • Risk hater - Financial security is important and you will try to avoid risk at all cost.
  • Hands off - You don’t really pay attention to your finances and whatever happens happens.
  • Gambler - You take big risks and you are willing to lose it all for a big payoff.

  • Which personality are you? How do you think your personality type impacts your decisions, your relationships and your health? How does your personality compare to your partner's money personality?

    Here are a few of the questions that your mentor can help you answer:
    Am I spending too much?
    Am I saving enough?
    Am I invested appropriately?
    How can I save more?

    To learn more about Financial Elements and the online portal, please visit our intranet. Under 2022 Benefits scroll down to Financial Elements for these short videos: Financial Elements Overview and Demo. You can also access snapshots of Financial Elements and the Cashback Contributions here: Financial Elements-Financial Wellness, Financial Elements - Evoshare Cashback. You will need to access the intranet via Okta.

    Don't forget to join us! 
    When: Jan. 11, 2022, at 10 a.m. CT (U.S. and Canada)
    Topic: Financial Elements: MMGY Global Webinar

    Please click the HERE to join the webinar:
    Passcode: 872152

    Or Telephone:
    Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
    877-853-5257 (Toll Free)
    888-475-4499 (Toll Free)

    Webinar ID: 971 4896 8332
    Passcode: 872152

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