Employee Engagement Survey
The Global HR Team has completed the review, evaluation and action planning against the 2021 Employee Engagement Survey results. Based upon your feedback, the top global focus areas include the following: Benefits and Compensation; Employee Development; Brand Collaboration; Integration of Acquisitions; and Work/Life Balance. The good news: We already have work in progress on benefits in both the U.S. and UK; on compensation tools and guidelines; and on the integration of acquisitions. Your feedback is helping us to better refine those plans to meet employee needs and add to the plans for those areas that were not previously addressed. We anticipate sharing new information on benefits as we approach annual enrollment in the U.S. and prepare for the 2022 benefit year globally.

The individual brands are now reviewing the brand-specific survey data. The brand leads, with HR support, will also be working to identify improvement plans to address at least one identified opportunity area for their brand.
Employee Attrition
Employee attrition is a rising issue among global employers today. According to the U.S. Bureau of Statistics, the average turnover rate in the U.S. is about 12% to 15% annually. According to LinkedIn, the average annual worldwide employee turnover rate is 10.9%. MMGY Global is currently averaging higher, in the 20% range. The average cost of employee attrition at MMGY Global is approximately $26K per employee lost. So, in addition to the lost talent and productivity, there are significant, quantifiable costs associated with the turnover. You might be asking what we are doing about employee attrition. Proactively, that is where the employee engagement survey plays a crucial part in identifying the key things that we do well and that are appreciated by our employees (and therefore should continue), and those things that are opportunities to address to meet employees’ unmet needs. In addition, we do exit surveys and interviews to allow departing employees to honestly share their individual reasons for choosing to leave MMGY. This data in aggregate is also used to identify modifications and adjustments in our plans, policies and benefits. Our focused efforts in diversity, equity and inclusion are also critical in creating inclusive, supportive environments where all employees can thrive. Ultimately, our goal is to be an employer of choice – attracting and retaining key talent in the markets where we operate.
Policy & Benefits
COVID-19 Vaccination Status Disclosure
Just a reminder, if you haven't already completed a Vaccination Disclosure form and turned it into HR, please do so. Please reach out to your HR partner for the vaccination form if you have not received it. We have updated our COVID-19 protocols to include a voluntary vaccination status disclosure for all global employees. This data will be collected and confidentially maintained by HR, and it will allow HR to appropriately respond to client requests, ensuring we meet any specific local requirements. It will also allow us to better enforce any internal protocols, such as mask requirements, etc. If we do not receive a completed and signed form from you, then we will have to treat you as unvaccinated.
Tickets at Work
MMGY Global offers all employees member discounts listed below through TicketsAtWork and LifeMart. Follow these steps to start saving today on travel and entertainment discounts!

Tickets at Work offers travel and entertainment discounts that provide you access to up to 50% savings on thousands of experiences.

It’s free of cost, simple to enroll in, and will provide you with offers on movies, hotels, shows, concerts, theme parks, sporting events and more.

If you haven’t signed up yet, visit ticketsatwork.com, click "Become a Member," and enter our company code: MMGY2017.

ADP® Discounts Powered by LifeMart®:
Save time and money on the things you want, from everyday needs to unique purchases. LifeMart offers a large selection of discounts on products and services from a variety of brands, including savings on hotels, car rentals, electronics, restaurants, movie tickets, groceries, child care, senior care and much more.

It’s easy to sign up: Log in to ADP>Myself>Benefits>Employee Discounts>LifeMart
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