Tomorrow our office will be working with Harvesters Community Food Network to participate in their Give Lunch program. This program is designed to help children facing food insecurity by providing them a nutritious, well-rounded meal. The food and supplies will be dropped off at our office, and the Culture Crew will set up for the activity on the 4th floor.

The activity will begin at 11:30 a.m. CDT and will last until we have packed 450 lunches. Each employee should plan to pack a minimum of 3 lunch bags during this time. Each lunch bag should contain:
  • Whole grain Goldfish crackers
  • Swanson canned chicken
  • Apple Juice
  • Trail Mix
  • Apple Sauce
  • Granola bar
The Culture Crew members will be available to answer any questions that come up and will be able to help guide you through the packing process.

After you have packed a minimum of three lunch bags, we invite you to head to Up-Down arcade bar located at 101 Southwest Blvd., Kansas City, Missouri 64108 in the Crossroads Arts District to celebrate! We will provide pizza, drink tickets and tokens for everyone.

Thank you!
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