For years, MMGY Global has taken time in the middle of the year to gather for learning, sharing and a celebration of our successes. What was once Agency Day is now Agency Week, and it's just around the corner. This year we will be hosting a series of virtual meetings focusing on our core values. Take a look below at what you can expect the week of July 19th.

Focus on Creativity
Bringing Client Content to Life
From national television spots to social media videos, we’ll take a look at some of the great content being produced across our offices and learn more about how these pieces were created. We’ll then get a behind-the-scenes discussion with the producer of Samantha Brown's Places to Love (PBS). We’ll learn how these episodes come together and what producers are looking for to tell a great story including our own clients Lee County and BVI.

Focus on Curiosity
Gmail, Calendar and Google Workspace Tips and Tricks
A live demonstration from our own Adrien White and our Google platform specialist Tony Sheets on tips, tricks and plug-ins to make working within the gmail interface more efficient and effective.

Focus on Inclusivity
Three Fearless Questions - Hosted by BrandLab
Join a Fearless Conversation about race, identity, and inclusion. By bringing together our team to answer The BrandLab’s Three Fearless Questions, we will gain awareness of how lived experiences can shape perception and how workplace culture might place barriers on inclusivity.

Focus on Transformation
Embracing Change and Challenging the Status Quo
We’ll cap off agency week by looking at some of the transformative programs that have been put in place across our offices, asking for one great program from each of our primary offices. And to add a little bit of fun, we’re challenging one volunteer to demonstrate their team's willingness to embrace change and look at things differently by conducting their presentation Pecha Kucha style. The winning presentation will win lunch for their office!

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