Agency Week has become an MMGY Global tradition. Setting time aside as we approach the midpoint of the year gives us all an opportunity to pause, reflect and focus on doing good and giving back to our community. We are excited to announce this year’s events for Agency Day on Wednesday, June 29.

This year, we will be working with Harvesters Community Food Network to participate in their Give Lunch program. This program is designed to help children facing food insecurity by providing them a nutritious, well-rounded meal. The food and supplies will be dropped off at our office, and we will set up for the activity on the 4th floor in Hollywood. We can’t wait to see you there!

Following this activity, Culture Crew invites you to head to Up-Down arcade bar located at 101 Southwest Blvd., Kansas City, Missouri 64108 in the Crossroads Arts District to celebrate! We will provide pizza, drink tickets and tokens for everyone. If you will be attending the event at Up-Down, please sign up here by the end of the day on Friday, June 17.

Please note that all employees are expected to participate in both the volunteer activity as well as the following social event unless your direct supervisor has approved conflicting work obligations. Please let me know if you have any questions. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Thank you!

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