Hello KC Office,

Your Culture Crew has lots of fun things planned in April!
Please see below for all the information.

New Beer’s Eve Happy Hour
Wednesday, 4/6

National Beer Day is April 7 which makes Wednesday New Beer’s Eve! We will be having a Happy Hour on Wednesday, 4/6 from 4-5pm to celebrate! There will be food, drinks & a surprise game to play! Look out for a calendar invite.

Egg Scavenger Hunt
Wednesday, 4/13

Who says that kids get to have all the fun?! On Wednesday, 4/13 there will be eggs hidden throughout the office. Each egg will have a little or big surprise!

National Take Your Kid to Work Day
Thursday, 4/28

On Thursday, 4/28 we will have a variety of activities for you and your kids to enjoy! If you’re planning on bringing your kid to work that day, please sign up HERE.

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