MMGY Flight Tracker
Week of July 27
First Class
MMGY Bullet Point
Brandon Layland &
Mackenzie Bromley,
Director, Social Media
Both Brandon Layland and Mackenzie Bromley received promotions, each with the title of Director, Social Media.
MMGY Bullet Point
Chris Ruder, Marketing Technology Coordinator
Chris Ruder has joined our team full-time as a Marketing Technology Coordinator.
MMGY Bullet Point
Danny Guerrero, VP, North America Strategy & GM, Los Angeles
Danny's role will focus on driving new business and thought leadership across all brands in North America. This will include responsibility as co-chair for the new Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Council. He will retain his leadership role in operating our LA office and will continue to play a strategic role on key accounts in LA.
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MMGY Bullet Point
Stacey Roske, Project Manager
Stacey Roske received a promotion to Project Manager.     
Dave Riley - 1 year, Elizabeth King - 1 year, Adrien White - 4 years, Kelsey Newland - 1 year, Krystina Franklin - 21 years,
Kurt Hanover
- 8 years, Brent Anderson - 3 years, Katie House - 4 years, Matt Sueper - 1 year and Tara Yantis - 7 years
JULY birthdays
Emalee Crosser - 7/23, Dustin Sharp - 7/24 and Manda Blake - 7/27
Flying High
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MMGY Travel Intelligence - Preview of Latest Research
Join us for a presentation from our MMGY Travel Intelligence team as they introduce a new and extremely relevant study to our MMGY brand team. As you all know, our research is the backbone of our strategic and tactical marketing execution, so please make attendance a priority.
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KC Office Virtual Happy Hour
Don't forget to join us this Friday, July 31, from 3-4:30 p.m. for answers to all your moving questions and announcements regarding our office giveaway!
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MMGY Global: Case Study Showcase
Bimonthly on Thursdays from 3–3:55 p.m., join us for a Case Study Showcase. This meeting features two teams sharing recent case studies of how they turned a challenging situation into a MMGY Global success story. Each team will have 15 minutes to present, followed by a short 5-minute Q&A.
In-Flight Entertainment
Meggie Davis Welcome back...
Megan Conder!

Megan and Chad Conder welcomed their first child, Emersyn Rose Conder (Emmy for short) on April 13, 2020, weighing 6lbs 11 oz. Everyone is doing great and adjusting to living life with less sleep but more smiles. Megan says being a mom is the absolute best job in the world (with working at MMGY being the second best).
Skymall Pod 1
Skymall Pod 1