"For me culture is not just about art, music, clothing, and food, but also the “culture” of how people interact with one another. A beautiful example of community culture is at the School of Arts and Culture at MHP, particularly during the summer camps. For seven years, I taught sculpture workshops in the summer camps and both the students and teaching artists had a wonderful time. Workshops were assigned small groups of fifteen students or less, so that students could receive individual attention. The projects allowed plenty of room for personal expression and creativity. We also had group projects and collaborations between students in other workshops which included: music, visual arts, dance, and theatre. Students were always treated with respect, kindness, and patience. Any behavior issues were resolved by talking with the student, adapting the project to the student’s interests, allowing for play breaks, chats with camp counselors, and group discussions about issues that arose. What I most appreciated was that decisions were student-centered first, and secondly addressed the needs of the teaching artists. We received plenty of support during our service. The summer camp culmination was a public recital with an art exhibition where students could perform and exhibit their impressive skills for the community. For me, these interactions were a great example of the culture we should have in all of our community and educational spaces."