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Welcome to the new Midwest

Some see the Midwest as a big generic blob in the center of the country. Those of us who have actually visited or live here know the truth. Which is that our under-the-radar region has quietly been generating energy, building momentum and creating a place people love and want to be in.

And Kansas City is leading the charge.

Hip Happy Hours

Hip Happy Hours

Sed a hendrerit sapien. Suspendisse potenti. In ut neque id urna pulvinar finibus sed vel urna. Morbi gravida at dui ac eleifend. Cras pulvinar erat quis enim venenatis euismod.

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Bring the kids

Bring the Kids

Ut in ligula neque. Nunc interdum tortor id sem ultricies, a molestie ipsum imperdiet. Sed vestibulum lobortis sagittis. Proin sollicitudin id nisi sit amet efficitur. Pellentesque id mollis odio, vel ullamcorper massa. Vivamus placerat interdum auctor.

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Art in Unexpected Places

Art in

In posuere viverra rhoncus. Phasellus fringilla ut nisl vel interdum. Nullam ullamcorper orci magna, eget mattis erat efficitur eu.

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KC Sports Culture

KC Sports

Suspendisse pharetra mattis feugiat. Morbi et ullamcorper elit, vitae sollicitudin leo.

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